Why Every Cosmetologist Needs Business Skills

Cosmetology is not just about being a great hairdresser, colorist or manicurist. A successful cosmetologist needs business skills in order to build and retain their clientele, keep track of and improve their bottom line, market their business, make valuable contacts in the industry, and improve and change with the times. It is important to remember that the fundamental nature of any career, including cosmetology, is that it is changeable—the professionals who don’t adapt to new standards and practices often get left behind. The best way to stay current and viable in the field of cosmetology is by developing business skills.

Business skills help you develop expertise beyond styling and other cosmetology practices—especially if you aspire for more than your own booth. Fundamental business skills focus on operations such as marketing and business management. For example, if you want to become a salon owner someday, management skills are essential. You will need to learn how to recruit, train, and keep exemplary employees as the success of your salon depends upon keeping quality stylists and other valuable employees. You will also need the know-how to manage a brick-and-mortar place of business, which requires extensive knowledge of not only your industry, but of general best practices in business as well as your town or city’s codes and laws.

Business skills can also include priceless marketing practices that help grow your company. Marketing is an essential part of a successful business, and it can be difficult to know how to begin, especially technologically. Developing knowledge and practical skills can dramatically increase your marketing effectiveness and may increase the popularity of your salon, thus boosting business and profits.

Along with these skills, owning your own salon requires that you are skilled in money management. You’ll need to retain information on how to lower overhead costs including advertising, rent, supplies, bank and credit card fees, shipping charges, payroll, and others. You must have a clear picture of what money is going out vs what is coming in, in order to keep your business profitable and sustainable.

Running a successful salon is more than being a great artist. You must also know how to manage people and money, as well as market yourself and your brand. This can be daunting when you first start out, so consider the cosmetology school that offers business courses to help you become a well-rounded success story.